Team tournaments

Every tournament lasts for one week, in a row. It starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Counting of the results and awarding go on Monday. It may take some time, that’s why the award doesn’t come immediately after the end of the tournament.

Team tournaments are tournaments where your team compete with other teams.

Pay attention: when you join the team your participation in regional tournaments stops, and participation in command tournaments begins. Even if you didn't manage to get a reward for the tournament.

All points earned by you and by other team members go to the team count and affect its rating.


  1. Type of the tournament and time till its end

    In this case time till the end is 3 days and 8 hours.

  2. Team name and its place

    Pay attention that you can check limited amount of teams in the rating.

  3. Amount of earned points

    Counted from the Monday of each week and resets every Sunday.